Effects of Smoking Depicted on FDA Warning Labels
Every once in a while, some new news comes out regarding what new inconvenience smokers will have to go through in order to maintain the habit that most want to quit.
The last big change was the ban on smoking in restaurants in bars; I remember a young woman coming up to my friends and I, wanting us to sign a petition and offering a free pack of Camel cigarettes if we did so.
Just today, it has hit the news that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) may begin to mandate new warning labels for cigarette packs, contending that the old “Surgeon General” warnings are not effective enough.
However, most smokers already know that cigarettes are bad for them. And yet, many continue to smoke… Some people choose to smoke despite the consequences, although the vast majority of people want to quit, they just don’t know how — or they have tried to quit before and haven’t been successful.
Hypnotherapy for Stopping Smoking
Our most popular program here at the Washington DC Hypnosis Center is Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation, second only to our Hypnosis for Weight Loss program.
“The process was so easy it makes me wish that I had become a non-smoker years ago…”
– Ryan R., Virginia
Now, why is it that many people TRY to quit with other methods such as the patch or the gum, but are unable to?
Very simply, you have a Conscious Mind, and a Subconscious Mind.
Your conscious mind is everything that you are aware of at any given moment — it is analytical, it’s rational, and it is where your “will power” is. Your subconscious mind, however, is what really controls your life, and this part of you is very emotional and feeling oriented, it’s the seat of your imagination.
Albert Einstein and Quitting Smoking
Now, if the conscious and subconscious mind are in disagreement about something, the subconscious mind (your imagination) always wins!
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein
When someone tries to quit smoking the usual ways, they have a conscious mind that says “I want to quit” and a subconscious mind that is saying “No way!”
With hypnosis, what we’re doing is to remove the road blocks and get both parts of the mind wanting the same thing. When your imagination and your knowledge are aligned, you get what we call an “aligned self” and then quitting smoking is easy.
FDA warnings: Good or Bad?
On the one hand, the FDA warnings may convince people of the real dangers of cigarettes through graphic pictures.
But are smokers being pushed too much? Most smokers already know that cigarettes are bad for them; is it only repetition that they need to make the decision to quit now?
Here at the center, only a small percentage of our clients are so-far advanced that they have developed an illness such as COPD, although many of them experience shortness of breath and a cough from smoking.
Most people see how much money they spend on smoking a month, the negative effects of a cough and the bad smell, and that is enough for them to make the decision to quit once and for all.
When Is The Right Time To Quit Smoking?
The best time to quit is always … Now! Coming up in a few days is the Great American Smokeoff, by the American Cancer Society. It’s the Thursday before Thanksgiving (November 17th) and is a date that many people choose to stop smoking.
In honor of this event, we are giving a special discount of $100 off our smoking cessation program, until the end of November. Use the coupon code “Website Smokeout.”
We are not sure if you need to read more about how cigarettes cause strokes, heart disease, and cancer – but we are glad to assist you if you would like to become a permanent non-smoker!