Core Transformation with Tamara Andreas
November 9th, 10th, and 11th, 2012
About the Process
Core Transformation takes you on a healing inner journey to the depths of your being. You’ll be guided in simple steps, through which your limitations become the doorway to powerfully transforming states of being that most people describe in terms such as “inner peace” “love” or “oneness.”
Through the Core Transformation process, these states become your new foundation for living. With these states uncovered in the specific way you’ll learn in the training, many limitations melt away, and even deeply-entrenched problems often unravel and dissolve.
See what people are saying about the last Core Transformation workshop:
“I recommend this workshop highly and without reservation…”
“Tamara is tops: In addition to her skill and smarts she projects warmth and caring. Through her extensive experience as a Core Transformation trainer she encompasses all the ins and outs, the variations and challenges, with grace, intelligence, and wisdom.
Three full days gives time for both a thorough presentation and for plenty of experience with all the steps and aspects of the Core Transformation process, as an “explorer” using the process for your own transformation and as a guide for others. The inclusion of a half-day on the Aligned Perceptual Positions process is an added bonus that will expand and enrich your change work even more.
I recommend Core Transformation and this workshop highly and without reservation. It will enhance and expand your change work, both with clients and with yourself, and possibly change your life.” -Donald Pelles, Silver Spring
“An ease in creating and maintaining rapport…”
“I highly recommend Tamara Andreas’s Core Transformation seminar. Tamara creates a supportive and caring environment from the very beginning. The breadth of her knowledge and experience in the process is awesome.
An NLP background is not required, and she demonstrates an ease in creating and maintaining rapport with demonstration clients and the entire class.Her assistants were also well qualified and generous in gently giving suggestions. The student booklet provides complete language patterns to use in guiding the client in the process.” — Mo, Maryland
“Gentleness, Humor, and Individual Assistance.”
“For me, the Core Transformation process initiated a powerful, profound experience. Tamara conducted the group instructions on exercises with gentleness and humor and provided individual assistance when needed. It was an experience of rapid, but long-lasting, change.” – Thada B., Maryland
“A life experience, rather than an intellectual exercise…”
“I attended Tamara Andreas’ Core Transformation Training last Fall. It was one of the best trainings I have attended. The weekend was a life experience rather than an intellectual exercise.
The Washington D.C. Hypnosis Center did an outstanding job putting it all together, especially after a very short notice. Location, food, CEU’s and the level of respect were all above average. All participants were very committed practitioners at different levels of expertise.” — Ana
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