Regression Hypnosis
Welcome to our page about regression as a hypnotic technique.
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The Hypnotic Technique of Regression
Have you ever had a sense that the issues of your life may be happening because of past events or traumatic situations, and that if you release that emotional heaviness, that you might be free to live your life? Regression hypnosis may be right for you.
There are two main approaches that a professional hypnotist learns on how to overcome a challenge or issue. The first is what is known as “direct suggestion” hypnosis. Direct suggestion is the most common approach and involves guiding a subject into hypnosis, and giving them suggestions for the change they would like to make.
Direct suggestion can be very powerful; however from time to time there are emotional blockages from the past which affect our current state of being. This is where regression hypnosis becomes useful, and it is one of our specialties at the Washington DC Hypnosis Center. We have been extensively trained by some of the best hypnotists in the world on how to perform this technique.
The process of hypnotic regression starts with going back in time to where your mind first perceived there was a challenge or issue related to your current programming. We then begin to unravel and release the emotional blocks, building new helpful programming to take it’s place.
We aren’t going to work on your subconscious mind, we will work with your subconscious mind to help you to achieve the changes you want in your life. You may find that it is a life-changing experience for you, and that finally you are able to live life fully.
A Note About Training and Experience
Regression hypnosis is an art onto itself, above and beyond “normal hypnosis,” and requires a high level of skill on the part of the practitioner. If a hypnotist has not been specially trained in regression hypnosis in an advanced training lasting at least 5 days concentrated only on regression (our last training we taught which included these powerful skills was 14 days long), those hypnotists are not qualified, and may do more harm than good.
Therefore it is important to ensure that your hypnotist uses regression not only “once in a while” with a stray client that comes in (they usually will refer to it as “trying” a regression), but that they have been trained extensively in these techniques, and have used them with hundreds of clients with successful results.
We know of only a select few hypnotists and hypnotherapists on the east coast who have had enough training that we would refer our own family and friends to them!
Is Regression Work Right for You?
We do not use regression with every client who comes to us, and it may or may not be right for you. It is important to allow us as the hypnotists to decide which techniques will be best in your particular situation. However if you would like to inquire whether this approach would work for your particular situation, we welcome your call.
Request a Call Back from a Regression Specialist
If you are wondering if regression work is right for you or if you have any questions, fill out this form and one of our hypnotists specializing in regression will call you back.