Meditation and Transformation Circle

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day- unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” – Old Zen Adage
Emotional Spring Cleaning Meditation Meetup
Saturday, April 13th at 10:30 AM
Rockville, MD
Are you ready for some emotional spring cleaning? It’s time to make some room for new fresh energy, room for abundance, by clearing, cleaning and getting rid of the old. One hour long Meditation will include: Meditating, Breathing, Releasing, Transforming and Connecting, Laughter and Music. Organic, vegetarian snacks will be provided.
What is meditation?
There is a magical place inside each of us, a place we trust, a place we enjoy even though we may not completely understand what this place is.
Everyone has the ability to meditate, it’s a natural ability.
We might experience it when daydreaming, when meditating, or when seeking a solution to a problem.
In this place we are relaxed, enjoying the experience of our own being.
Our thoughts are clear.
We feel productive.
Quite naturally, we have entered a state of higher consciousness.
How do you meditate?
It’s simple, really. All you have to do is sit down with your back straight enough that your breathing is comfortable – on a chair of a cushion on the floor – and set a timer for however many minutes you want to meditate. Focus on your breath going in and out. Every time you have a thought or an urge, notice it and bring yourself back to your breath. This will decrease your stress levels, make you more relaxed, and will sharpen your concentration and awareness. If you don’t always have the time for a half hour meditations session, even two minutes will be highly beneficial.
However, there is another benefit to meditation beyond the realms of relaxation. Not only will you be able to clear your mind and be peaceful, but you will also be strengthening your connection to your spirituality. While meditation will take many times to perfect, each time will only make the bond between your spirit and you more prominent.
Scientific Benefits of Meditation
In 2009, a study was done on meditation and how it can improve blood pressure on patients with heart diseases. In 2007, a study was done on meditations, who proved to show that they had larger attention spans. Furthermore, while yet more tests and researches are being done, the bottom line is that meditation helps the brain’s ability to concentrate. That in turn makes it easier to focus, retain memories, and be more productive overall in your every day life.