What is EFT?
EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a method where you “tap” on certain acupressure points on the head, upper-chest and face, while a practitioner guides you through speaking certain phrases designed to neutralize the emotions associated with what you would like to release.
EFT has been proven to be effective with a wide variety of different issues, in fact many of the same things we would use hypnosis for.
Does EFT Really Work?
There are many explanations for why EFT works, but yes, it does work! Using EFT can help you to stop smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and more.
What should I expect in an EFT session?
We will begin the session by pinpointing a specific issue that you would like to work through and a specific feeling that this issue is tied to. We then guide you through the EFT process, to reduce the emotional significance of a feeling in your body.
Almost always, you will start to notice changes in how you are feeling within even the first few minutes after we start tapping. We will also show you and provide you with a method to do EFT on your own after you leave.
Should I use EFT or Hypnosis?
EFT and Hypnosis are both very effective tools which can be used for a number of different situations. We can assist you with one or the other, however if requested we can also integrate both in your sessions with us.
Fill out the form below for more information, or call us at (301)717-1207.