Directions to Our Offices
Alexandria, VA | Rockville, MD
Alexandria, VA
205 S. Whiting St.
Suite #603
Alexandria, VA 22304
We are off I-395 and Duke St., near Landmark Mall and across the street from a Sunoco Gas Station. There is parking on the ground floor and we are on the 6th floor, in the “Psychology” suite #603. When you come in, take a seat in the waiting room.
Rockville, MD
6169 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20852
We are close to I-495 and I-270; in the townhome-style offices called “The Executive.” Please use the stairs or the pathway to access our office from the parking lot. Our office has a red door to make it easy to find. When you come in, take a seat in the waiting room.