This is the page you can use to pay using Paypal.
Payment Instructions
To Pay in Full:
Send us your payment to Taylor (at)
After Payment
After payment, please complete the Registration Form (PDF) and either:
- Fax it to us at 888-512-6849,
- Or mail it to us at Washington DC Hypnosis Center, 6169 Executive Blvd., Rockville, MD 20852.
How to Pay by Cash, Check, or Money Order (Alternatively)
To pay by Cash, Check or Money Order, download the Registration Form (PDF), and mail it with your payment to:
Washington DC Hypnosis Center
6169 Executive Blvd
Rockville, MD 20852
Make checks/money orders payable to “Washington DC Hypnosis Center.”
Also if you are available to come to meet us as many people are in the area, give us a call and we will arrange to have you deliver the forms in person! The number is 301-717-1207.